Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Adventurers On Strike!

This is a summary of a play test of my adventure Blood in the Cracks, using my hack of the Cairn RPG Beggar’s Choice. The adventure tries to practice some of the materialist principle I’ve preached in prior blog posts.  I’ll try to highlight some of these connections.

The adventure has some spicy themes around class conflict and striking workers. Here is how I pitched it to players:

Roll for your lunch, ale, former job and starting ailment. Workers at a cinnabar mine are going missing. Your job is to ensure that output rates are not adversely affected!

The PCs responded to a job advert for guards at a cinnabar mine, recently reopened after a mysterious disaster caused 16 miners to go missing. Blame for the disaster had been put on rumoured monsters in the mine known as the Smoke Devils. There’s potential here for PCs to get involved in some radical organising against the mine’s management, but maybe they’ll end up siding with the bosses instead.